Congratulations for the decision to take your client acquisition in control now.
So you can increase the amount of new clients you want on demand!
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Or read below the video.
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Hi, I am Patrik Muehlematter,
The owner of FairTech digital marketing agency.
For 21 years, we have provided consulting, training and services.
Good decision to use consulting/mentoring in order to get faster more customers!
All what we do is based on:
FairTech’s Client Acquisition Process
My 12 pillar Online mastery formula to dominate your industry
and create a constant flow of new customers chasing you instead of you searching for them.
In the end of this video I have a special offer for a 45min consultation to help you reach your goal using this formula,
this offer is only available on this page, so stay tuned till the end, you won't regret it.
This process works even if you Hate Doing Marketing
And Never Want To Deal With The Technical Problems That Emerge
I used to be a perfectionist. When I started in business 30 years ago,
I was offering the perfect service and perfect products, all my clients were confirming that.
But, I was unable to find enough clients. I was thinking that my services were the problem.
I started to work harder and harder to improve the services even more, to the point where I burned out.
In this process I lost everything, and the company went bankrupt.
Even my wife could not take it anymore, all this hard work and saving on the costs, she left me.
This is when I said: NEVER ...ever... again...,
I dedicated 2 years of my life searching for a bullet proof strategy that will attract my ideal clients to me,
instead of me searching for them. And this fully automatically whilst I am doing what I love to do and do best.
In 1999 I started an online portal for the scuba diving industry.
Using this strategy, very fast it became the most popular website in the industry with nearly 1 million visitors per year.
Business owners from various industries approach me, telling me that whatever they search for online they find my website.
They started to ask me to do the same for their business.
The strategy was working wonders for them too.
It gave me the opportunity to test on my own projects but also on hundreds of client projects,
from different countries and industries.
My career has changed. I was now full time helping entrepreneurs to double triple their income.
In 2016 after I graduated from Tony Robbins Business Mastery I adjusted it to be fully in phase with it.
The 7 forces of business mastery gave me the idea how to constantly make sure the growth continues
and the strategy gets adapted to the new technologies and clients needs.
Jay Abraham's lessons made me find shortcuts and create strategies open to everyone
that was only accessible for clients with budgets above 7 figures.
Russel Branson’s training from Click funnel have drastically improved the sales
and marketing automation part of the process.
During this time I have spent more than 2 million Euro
in training and practicing combined.
If you follow it’s principle, it can make you dominate your market and provide you with a constantly growing cash-flow.
I will show you now:
How to create a constantly growing flow of new customers for your business
- What action will make the difference
- The concept of the Online Mastery Formula
- The secret of the Perpetual growth circle
- The 12 pillars of success
- How can you do it progressively at your own pace and budget
- 1. What action will make the difference?
Working on hundreds of projects in the last 2 decades the biggest learning was that there is no magic bullet, social media, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, funnels etc.. will not make a big difference.
What will make you dominate your market is the combination of very specific actions. This combination is what will constantly grow your client base and give you the confidence of regularly growing cash flow
Those 12 actions that we call pillars in the formula have been consciously chosen
The above image is FairTech's Client Acquisition formula - 2. The concept of the Online Mastery Formula
The secret of the success of this formula is the choice of actions that will multiply themselves.
Let me explain with an example: If you double the amount of visitors on your website (action/pillar 2),
it will double the amount of clients you get from it… logic
But if you double your conversion rate, the same amount of visitors will also bring you double the number of clients. So if you combine these 2 actions, now when you double the amount of visitors you get quadruple the number of clients!
Same if you increase your online reputation,
this will also multiply your return on investment on all the other pillars.
Pillar no 8. is another one that multiplies the outcome of the others actions.
Marketing / sales automation for automated revenue
Using sales funnels
This is a series of web pages that sell your product
or services the way you usually do it face to face with new prospects.
This will clone you and become your 24/7 sales rep working for you without getting tired or sick.
For complicated products or services, this will generate leads in the form of an appointment in your calendar instead of a direct sale, but the principle is the same. It’s a lead or a sale on a silver platter. - 3. The secret of the Perpetual growth circle
Now the point I mentioned that made the whole difference for the constant growth Is The Perpetual Growth circle.
In the process every 6 months we make the point of the situation (Pillar 10)
With the data collected we can now brainstorm and finetune your strategy.
Pilar #12 Your Ultimate Money Machine
Evaluate the value of the work done, take out some benefits to increase your monthly revenue.
Reinvest a part into your money machine…
and we go again on each pillar with a bigger budget. Situation has evolved,
we do again just the little change that gives the biggest differences with a minimum effort.
This is a 6 month cycle.
Your never ending constantly growing client acquisition process gives you the confidence you need to do business the way you want… as easy as that!
This is the magic of combining the right actions that will compile the outcome
Combining all the 12 pillars for your business will exponentially multiply your revenue
And the good news is:
You don’t need to invest in the best website, have millions of followers on social media,
or have the best sales funnels.
You just do the minimum necessary for each pillar, the 20% that will give the 80% of the outcome.
What fits your time and financial budgets.
Don’t worry, there is no rocket science here.
Or does it sound overwhelming?
I get it, in a short presentation I go probably a bit too fast, the goal here is to show you the overview of this unique process.
In a consulting session, I am with you in the entire process
so don’t worry I will walk you through the process till you achieve your goal.
You Can do it progressively at your own pace and budget,
What can be achieved corresponding to your manpower and budget availability,
what can easily be achieved in the next 6 months.
The more you progress the more you dominate your market.
Once you run it for a few cycles, you never have to worry about
where the next client will come from and if you will have enough cash.
I will help you put this easy framework in place that makes your client base grow indefinitely.
You decide at what speed.
impacted other entrepreneurs.
Testimonials, click on the play icon below and start watching!
I want to make it work for you too.
- It’s not about working more…
It’s all about working smarter by combining actions that multiply the outcome of each other.
In a Consulting session we will look together where you are at right now, and what best next move will bring you a maximum of new clients the fastest. - I will help you implement the perpetual growth cycle.
- Together we will take it easy, but we will take it!
I want to help you put in place your constant growing client acquisition process
that will give the cash-flow needed for your freedom, the lifestyle you are aiming for and deserve.
My mission is to help millions of entrepreneurs have a better life so they can pursue their mission, their dream.
It must not become like one of those courses you took or a book you read, you applied a bit and slowly forgot about it.
Now it’s time to take your destiny in your hands and make a change.
The good news is, you don’t need to do it alone, I can be with you and show you the short cuts.
I did it for hundreds of projects, I know what works and what doesn’t!
I don’t let you down here, we are an academy and a service agency,
we have been in business for more than 2 decades now.
We are not going anywhere, you can always revert back to us to make sure you get the outcome you are looking for.
Our mission is to help succeed.
Right now I have a special offer only on this page.
I want you to be able to take advantage of this offer.
I don’t know how long we will keep this offer available.
How does that sound, I offer you a consulting session with me.
A consultation like that could easily cost 3000€
The reason I say that is, could you, thanks to the right consulting,
get more leads, book a few new clients, and at this occasion make 3000€ additional Euros?
I don’t know what your process is but could you potentially do that?
In my mind those consultations have a value of tens of thousands of Euros
just by unlocking the power of getting more clients online for your business!
For someone who’s just started, a 1st consultation to find out where to start
or what the best next step is to get the next few customers fast, can already be a great help.
But today I am not going to make you pay tens of thousands of euros,
This is not what those consultations are about
I am not even going to charge you thousands of euros
Well, the consultation is worth thousands of euros
It’s easily worth that
I am going to give you a special price today
I am going to tell you why I am going to give you a special price today
Because this is more than a business,
this is a mission and a passion
Rather than asking you to spend thousands of euros today, which is the official price of those consulting sessions,
I am going to give you a really special price.
I get it, our relationship is new today, maybe you never heard of FairTech or me before
So I want to give you the best value possible so you can start increasing the amount of clients you get online,
increase your income and get the time for yourself that you deserve.
So the investment today is 350€, I am not asking you to invest 3’000€ but only 350€
So if you want a consultation like that, request a session now, click on the button below.
Take a minute to think, how your life would be improved once you are confident that your next clients are already waiting in line to be served, and the line is getting bigger month after month?
Having a process in place that constantly brings you more clients is the most powerful thing
you will have ever done for your business and your freedom.
It brings the peace of mind and the confidence needed to expand
and realize the dream you originally had when you started your business.
Take the decision to make a change.
You can make the only smart decision today, be resourceful and make the investment today.
You know this client acquisition formula made a big difference for me and many other entrepreneurs,
and the best thing is, I guarantee it!

So, try it out. Take me on a test drive.
If for any reason you did not like your consultation,
I will give you your full money back, no questions asked!
There is no risk for you here today. I just want to build this relationship with you today and I want to give you something of great value.
I am just so confident that I am giving you something of great added value.
So what is it gonna be? It’s time to get off the fence and make that decision today.
I am here with you, but you're gonna silence this small voice that is chattering.
Right now you're gonna be the bigger voice.
If you align with this and it is what you want then say yes. Click the button below.
Right now it’s the last chance to take action
I see you’re still here, you did not take action yet
Something is warming up inside you.
I want to make it happen for you, I want to be with you, I wanna lock hands with you.
I want to build a partnership. I want us to walk together through this formula and make this happen.
If you don’t show up for yourself, who will?
I am here standing for you right now
I don’t think there are as many people in the world that will root for you like I am doing right now.
Make the decision, click that link below if you want to make it happen.
It’s your last chance to take the decision and get this offer
Click the button below and get involved

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
No questions asked 30 day refund guaranteed.
If you are not happy with your session, get your money back.
it works for so many of our clients...
I don’t know if it will work for you, I can’t guarantee it.
The only thing I can guarantee is the program. If you don’t like it you get your money back.
But you have no risk right now, if you work with the system, I know it works. I want it to work for you too,
So click the button below, enroll and I hope you become one of our next success story Get enrolled.
Click on the button below and I see you on the other side!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
No questions asked 30 day refund guaranteed.
If you are not happy with your session, get your money back.
This is a special offer and it is for a limited time.
It’s a one time special offer and we don’t know exactly when we are going to take it down,
and if you are going to see it again. If you go to our website it will be there but at the official price of 3’000€ per session.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
No questions asked 30 day refund guaranteed.
If you are not happy with your session, get your money back.