Which should you do first: Email marketing, SEO or Google Ads?
It’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Which should you do first? Email marketing, SEO, or Google Ads?
Business owners ask the same question over and over. You may find different schools of thought, but the answer is usually Google Ads. There are many ways of combining these with other efforts to achieve a constant flow of customers into your business, but this is probably the quickest.
Google ads are great for a short-term boost. The built in algorithms in Google ads are super smart. When you first log into the platform, you will be presented with a set of questions such as your nature of business, target clients, age groups etc.
It may seem counter intuitive, but you should start your Google ads campaigns before you go down the Search Engine Optimisation route if you have the financial means to do so. A small budget can suffice to begin with.
Why? The answer is quite simple. SEO is a long-term game. It involves crafting content that answers people’s questions and queries on search engines. But it takes time. A long time. You can only really expect to see meaningful data after six months and even then, that is when you diligently and religiously get Google to crawl your pages by using Google Search Console.
But what you can do in the meantime is draw the preliminary data that you scrape from Google Console to give you an idea of the keywords you are ranking for.
With this raw data, you can craft ads that talk to your audience and present ads relevant to the queries you know you are ranking for.
If you want to take things up a notch (and make life a bit easier for yourself) you can also leverage the power of Google’s AI engine – GPT-3. There are various excel sheets that you can find online that will help you identify the searcher’s emotional goal through a keyword. Once that is done the AI will generate ad copies for you, just like that.
The copy can sometimes be totally off the mark, but nine times out of ten, it comes up with the goods.
SEO optimisation
Once you have your Google Ads campaigns set up, you can cross reference your conversion data with more meaningful long term SEO data. Long term SEO is important because it builds a long term source of clients that flow into your business with little effort and no budget spend.
This will help you tweak and modify your content to ensure that you climb up the Search Engine Ranking Pages for organic search results.
Once you find that your copy, content and media are on point, you may want to dive into the world of technical SEO which covers aspects such as speed related to image sizes, eliminating java script, duplicate content, internal linking and external backlinks.
Email marketing
Amplify your success by using email marketing to target both existing customers and potential ones that may have subscribed to your mailing list.
Send them useful information and offer things for free such as Ebooks, competitions, prizes, coupons and referral codes.
Email is still a winning strategy and should never be overlooked. The three above strategies are all part of FairTech’s 12-pillar Permacustomer Strategy.
If you just pick 3 strategies that work for you and go deep on those, slowly improving your performance and aligning strategies that boost your results naturally, success will be inevitable.
This is how the 12-pillars of the Permacustomer Strategy will turn your website into the ultimate money making tool - aiming for zero waste and sustainable strategy built on past success.
Work smart, not hard.
Watch our video to master the full 12-pillar customer acquisition process and craft the perfect single marketing strategy to dominate your industry and watch customers flow into your business with ease.