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5 Ways GoHighLevel Can Save Your BusinessTime and Money

As a business owner, there are two things you undoubtedly can't get enough of: time and money. While ...

GoHighLevel Unlimited 30 Day Trial

The GoHighLevel's Unlimited Plan for agencies is the ultimate catalyst for agencies seeking boundless operational efficiency, elevated client ...

What Is GoHighLevel

Are you looking for an all-in-one marketing tool to elevate your business? Then, you might want to explore ...

HighLevel SaaS 30 Day Trial

In my point of view, SaaS (Software As A Service) is the best business model available. It lets ...

Small Businesses Use AI

In today's fast digital world, small businesses like yours can gain a lot by using AI tools. These ...

Companies Fail at AI?

With AI (Artificial Intelligence) taking over the buzz, many people are concerned about losing their jobs or small ...

GoHighLevel Support

Technical support is offered by the GoHighlevel Tech Team, who, as the software manufacturer, are the best resource ...

How to automate your customer acquisition to scale your business

A strong customer acquisition process is key to the success of any business.

How to create constant flow from your website for new customers

Every business needs a consistent flow of customers to survive.

How to measure results for customer acquisition to grow your business

You have spent time and money on your marketing in order to get more customers online, the question ...

Double your Customers using PermaCustomer Formula

The PermaCutomer formula was built to provide a roadmap for businesses of all sizes, to create a stream ...

What comes first ads, SEO, email

Which should you do first: Email marketing, SEO or Google Ads?

How to find the marketing strategy to grow your small business

Small business owners often try to create overly elaborate marketing strategies that suck up too much time, effort ...

How to constantly grow cashflow and business

Growing your cashflow is essential to the overall growth of your business, but how do you make sure ...

How to grow your own pace and budget

Life would be great if we could all throw thousands of euros at search engines and social media ...

Automate Your Marketing

As a business owner, you don’t want to find yourself bogged down in marketing and should try and ...

Does Inbound Marketing Works for Small Business

Inbound marketing is a non-invasive approach that encourages customers to come to you when you offer relevant, informative, ...

Attract Clients Instead of Chasing Them

For any business to succeed in the modern digital world, they need to attract clients instead of chasing them.

Marketing and Permaculture

At FairTech we talk a lot about the PermaCustomer Formula, but many ask… what does permaculture have to ...

How to get clients even if you hate marketing

It’s one of the most common questions in the business world – How to get clients if you hate marketing?

Create Customers Constant Flow

All businesses have been there – you attract customers, you get busy, and now you need an automated ...

How to dominate your industry using one marketing strategy

Have you ever heard about Permaculture? The idea is that you build an ecosystem that keeps yielding - ...

Customer Acquisition Strategy for your Business

There is no silver bullet to attracting clients, but one key to expanding a business is to create ...

3 types funnel that work for any business

Funnels are powerful tools that businesses can use to filter prospects and turn them into converting customers.

Automate your funnels using 5 tools

Funnels are a fantastic tool to segment your clients, streamline your sales process and ultimately generate more sales.

How funnel can bring more clients

If you do things right, sales and marketing funnels can bring you more clients that convert on a ...

Simple funnel to grow your email list

Even nowadays, it is still very important to have a good solid email list to reach out to ...

How to turn social platform engagement into customers

Social media has grown into a great platform for businesses to reach out to their clients and use ...

How to create automated funnel to book more calls from your site

Funnels can be created for just about any aspect of your business offering, and the most important thing ...

Business Sales Funnel

This article is about mapping out your sales/marketing funnels for your business. This will help you create your ...

Increase Leads with Marketing Funnels

Research has shown that businesses that use marketing funnels are more likely to register sales and growth, simply ...

Sales Funnel in Digital Marketing

In terms of ’modern marketing’, the term ‘marketing funnel’ often refers to website features or a number of ...

Why Business Needs Sales Funnel

You may be asking why your business needs a sales funnel and the simple answer is that it ...

Marketing Funnel and Sales Funnel Difference

Marketing funnels and sales funnels are crucial tools for businesses that want to take their customers on a ...

Get More Enquiries From Small Business Website

If you clicked on this title, you have a business website. Great for you, this is an important ...

Grow any business with your website traffic

Many businesses are preoccupied with the traffic numbers of their website. They consider website traffic the only key ...

6-month plan for small business marketing

Having a marketing plan that is geared to achieve the goals in your business plan is an important ...

Grow your Small Business Marketing with an email list and monetise

No matter what kind of business you run, your email can become a core part of your marketing if it isn’t yet.

Tips to convert social media fans into buyers

Social media presents many great marketing opportunities but getting people to buy on social is not quite as ...


Search engine optimization a.k.a SEO is a marketing method that drives organic traffic to your website. This traffic ...

Marketing tips for small business owners

If you Google ‘marketing tips’ you’ll get 7,520,000,000 results in Google. That’s a staggering amount. But how many ...

Get more likes for the small business page

It’s no secret that getting more likes on Facebook has become harder as the algorithm makes it harder ...

Tips to reach targeted audience online

Many marketers keep their success secrets close to their chests. A lot of the strategies they use can ...

Generate consistent clients for your business

Online marketing is the new go-to tool to create a consistent stream of leads into any business these ...

Social Media Strategies for Business Owners

Social media is a must for any business these days and yet so many struggle to find the ...

Scale your passive income product

Once you have verified and sold a few pieces of your passive income product, you will need to ...

Tips to reach more right people online

Finding out where the right people for your business hang out is crucial to your success. This holds ...

Create consistent cash-flow for any business

Breaking the feast and famine cycle in your business is what will help you reach stability and longevity. ...

How to use effective search engine marketing

Search Engine Marketing or SEM is one of the best techniques to grow your product and services online. ...

Get Passive Money and Stop Trading Hours for Dollars

Trading time for money is the most common way businesses make money. Whether you’re using that time to ...

High Converting Funnels For Passive Income

Launching a passive income product can be easy. You create a digital product. Write a sales page. Drive ...

Drive Organic Traffic Your Passive Income Products

Passive income products are great. Both organic and Pay-per-click (PPC) traffic have an important part to play. We ...

SEO consultant what do they do

An SEO Consultant is a person who is highly skilled in the digital marketing industry. A consultant is ...

Hire SEO Consultant

These days when Google is coming up with new algorithm updates, it can be a tough task to ...

Effective Marketing Strategy For Small Budget

Any strategy can work if you have social proof a.k.a testimonials/reviews

Complete SEO Checklist

Do you know 90% of the customers look for a business on the search engine before opting for ...

Automation tool to promote your business

One of the hardest balancing acts to get right when owning a business is finding the time to ...

Effective marketing plan in 2021

All too often, small businesses give up on digital marketing because they focus all their energy on content ...

Marketing Report Matter for Small Business

Small business owners can often get caught up in the reams of data that are produced by marketing ...

DIY Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing strategy is often thought of as an obscure art practiced by millennial university graduates, but with ...

Ask questions to your clients for raving reviews

The internet is the place to do research before making a purchase and to be successful, there are ...

How brand’s perception influences your company culture

Building a brand in today’s digital world is much different than it was even just 10 years ago ...

Increase Sales with Reputation Marketing

In the modern multi-channel digital world, consumers routinely seek information from a variety of sources to guide their ...

How Marketing Reputation Works

Reputation marketing is the process of managing and influencing client perception of a brand or business.

How to boost your business success by using professional accountant

Entrepreneurship gives you the opportunity to take control of your own business. Although it can be tempting to ...

Marketing tip to get ahead of your competitors

The top simple marketing tip that will get you ahead of your toughest competitors is to make the ...

How To Stop Overwhelm, Focus on Reputation Marketing

Marketing overwhelm is a phenomenon that hits many business owners, especially those of small to medium-sized ones.

Boost your brand online reputation with best tools

In today’s fast-paced digital world, your business needs the best tool to boost your brand reputation online.

Search Engine Marketing Basics You Should Know

If we talk about Search Engine Marketing basics, we can say that it is your passport to the ...

Top 7 Techniques for Link Building Strategy

With the emergence of the digital way of business conductance, the regular business strategies have been reshaped and ...

How to get stable positive reviews for business

Online reviews are one of the best trust signs that a business can have, and it is important ...

Exchange negative reviews on Google MyBusiness

Did you know that 94 percent of people will avoid a business if it has a negative review?

How to get rid of negative reviews from social media

Bad comments about your business can harm your business, especially if they take on a life of their ...

How important are social shares to the SEO ranking?

SEO and social media go hand-in-hand, so there is no adequate reason you get relevant results when you ...

Steps to build great online reputation

Reputation by word of mouth has always been one of the key drivers to any business’ success. But ...

Impact of having SEO strategy on Business

When a business launches in the market, it aims to stick to the customers’ sight. For that, it ...

How you can convert more Google searches to paid customers

A whopping 53 percent of global website traffic is generated by organic search queries, beating all other sources ...

Study Sona Tours Reputation Management

Sona Tours were facing a challenging market:
competitors were increasing and were cutting profit margins to differentiate ...

B2B Companies Need Search Engine Marketing

When there is a need to plan the marketing initiatives, you need to take the view that SEM ...

How to raise prices and get more clients

All businesses aspire to get the right price for the products or services they are offering, but to ...

Top Website SEO Checkers, Audit Tools

Where businesses are meeting new challenges, they are getting unlimited opportunities as well. All they have to do ...

How to scale your business any industry

Scaling a business might sound like a daunting term, but in reality it simply means giving your business ...

How to turn online audience into customers

Getting plenty of visibility on search engine rankings is fantastic for brand exposure, but if you want a ...

Build Traffic, Build Business

Building traffic to your website will lead to business growth, but it is how you manage that traffic ...

SEO Checklist - Google ranking factors

What determines the position in Google? What influences positioning? These are the age-old questions of people who deal ...

How to Perform Technical SEO Audit

Before starting an SEO project, it is important to understand the insightful reasons for auditing a site. A ...

Automate your sales and Marketing

It’s the 21st century.
The level of automation in every industry is quickly increasing. In spite of the ...

Advantages in SEO Local Listing

Local listing in SEO is a practice to make your business visible online for local searches. That's basic. ...

Difference Between Organic SEO vs Local SEO

When it comes down to expanding your business by making people aware of it, SEO is the concept ...

Synchronise SEO throughout entire marketing

A lot of new businesses jump onto social media as the holy grail of marketing, it feels within ...

Online Visibility for your business

In the world of marketing, visibility is everything. Think of Times Square in New York. Although there are ...

Why Search Engine Marketing is Important

The modern-day marketing scenario is entirely dependent on how well you put up your product on the internet. ...

Social Media Communication

With traditional marketing, nothing comes free. You have to pay for every advertisement and often it’s pretty pricey. ...

Revisiting your strategy to keep your growth

A lot of businesses grow quite naturally for the first few years, especially those who use online marketing ...

Complete SEO for E-Commerce

After being in business for years, is your online store’s reach still low? Does your store have only ...

Transform your website homepage into a marketing tool

Websites, online brochures or idle catalogues are not enough to generate business. If your website does not get ...

Create long term plan

When creating a long term plan, most businesses plan for 5, 10 or even 20 years. But when ...

Kick start your growth

As business owners, we face a lot of adversity and events in our business that are unplanned and ...

Lead generation online

Online lead generation is a tried and tested method of getting solid traffic with specific intent to your ...

Top SEM Bidding Practices

Bidding is necessary for Search Engine Marketing (SEM), mainly in the paid search, where manual bidding is still ...

How to double your website leads in 30 days

With a bit of effort and some clear targeted action, you can double your website leads in as little as 30 days.

Is local directory submission  good for SEO in 2021

“Is it still worth submitting your site to the local directories?”, We hear this question quite often. Reason ...

Using Google Analytics to Audit and Improve SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a process requiring measurements in real-time, and the improvement of this process heavily relies ...

Latest Google Algorithm Updates Affect Your SEO Practices

Ranking higher on search engines like Google is becoming pivotal more than ever. It is hard to make ...

Instagram to Launch a TikTok Competitor in the US

Instagram confirmed it’s planning to launch soon its TikTok rival, known as Reels, in the U.S. As per ...

Spending time in your business vs time on your business

Most businesses are set up with two goals in mind, better life balance and generating an income by ...

Search Engine Marketing Strategy

When you need a well-organized strategy to grow your business in a highly competitive marketplace, Search Engine Marketing ...

Three most important marketing strategies to ensure cashflow

Cashflow is the lifeblood of all business activity and the best way to ensure that it stays positive ...

Local SEO Best Practices - steps to optimize your site for local searches

The frequency of searches for "near me" or "closest" has increased by 900% over the past two ...

SEO Competitor Audit

SEO competitor audit is the solution to overcome competition in SEO. Practice shows that it is worth keeping ...

SEO Stats and Site Analysis

Curated 10+ SEO stats will statistically manage your website’s Google ability. Rank#1 on Google by running a subtle ...

Importance of correct monitoring

Businesses that don't monitor their success, set themselves up for failure. Not knowing why business is good or ...

How To Find New Clients Via Internet

To some extent, all businesses use the internet to find new clients. Different businesses allocate different percentages of ...

How to create a lead generation engine for business

Lead generation is the one most important thing in any business.
It doesn’t matter whether you sell ...

Customer acquisition tips that help you grow your business

Customer acquisition encompasses all the strategies your company uses to attract and enroll new customers. Often it is ...

The ultimate money machine

Do you dream of never having to worry where your next lead is coming from? Imagine how successful ...

What Questions To Ask Your SEO Consultant Before Signing the Contract?

Choosing an SEO consultant who will help your website climb to the search results' top positions is not ...

Never stop finetuning your strategy

Have you tried online marketing campaigns and had some degree of success? If your answer is yes, you’re ...

Why Analyze Local SEO Competition And How Could Do It

Do you know how important it is to analyze local SEO competition to rank high on search engines? ...

Why Should Outsource Your Complete SEO To Agency

We strongly suggest you outsourcing your entire search engine optimization strategy to a professional who specializes in complete ...

Where start your online marketing

SEO, social media, marketing, email marketing, PPC advertising are all very attractive and you can see them work ...

3 Passive income ideas for your business

The internet is abuzz with people who are excited about passive income ideas. There are many ways to ...

How to grow business with internet income ideas

We’ve all seen the flashing banners. The dramatic videos.

How to double your business' income with 1 product

Some business-owners bank on variety. Parking product after product or services packaged together as a strategy to scale ...

Cash Flow Ideas Create Training Course

Training courses are important for your own employees of course. But when you think about how much training ...

How to grow your passive cash flow and your client list by using Course

Servicing clients and seeing them succeed is a passion for many business owners. But after a few years ...

How to prepare your website monitoring for SEO

Whether you intend to work on your SEO now or later, you need to plan for it when ...

Build passive income stream for business

Building a passive income stream for your business will help your business become more resilient and help you ...

Statistics reporting which website metrics matter for business

Let’s cut to the chase.The only metric that really matters is in your bank account balance.
There ...

SEO campaign no need to make changes to your website

Many think that SEO aka Search Engine Optimisation is a series of technical changes you make to your ...

Best Internet Marketing Strategies for Importers and Distributors

It is arguable which are the best internet marketing strategies. With so many to choose from picking the ...

Rank Organically in Google

It seems like every business wants to rank in Google organically. We look at our competitors in envy ...

Importance of SEO in Downturn Crisis

Business-as-usual is a thing of the past. We’re in full Covid19 crisis and many businesses are scrambling to ...

Increase Website Traffic with Content Marketing Strategy

SEO-ed content marketing is key to strengthening your Search Engine results and gaining more visibility on the internet ...

Improve Local Search Visibility using Google My Business Page

You’ve probably noticed that when you search some businesses or products, with the search results you get featured ...

Add Supplementary Revenue Streams for Your Business

In times of crisis it becomes immediately apparent which businesses are well set-up to survive for the long ...

Scaling Your Business to Generate Consistent Revenue Growth

Scaling is not for everyone. It requires a stable business, strong industry positioning, and excellent human resources. But ...

Drive In-Store Footfall using Local SEO

Walk-in traffic is the holy grail for many businesses.

Drive Traffic to Your Website Using SEO and Social Media Optimization

Many people make the same mistake. They allocate 100% of their budget to creating their website and then ...

Double Your Website Traffic using Local SEO Strategy

Many businesses turn to SEO to compete with larger brands
This is probably the best place to ...

Rank Internationally using Local SEO Solutions

Local SEO solutions can have an impact on your international search engine visibility. Often the two are perceived ...

Increase Your Visibility on Google with Local SEO Strategies

Local SEO is one of the surest ways to increase your local online visibility. As a business owner, ...

Rank First Page in Google using Local SEO

It may sound like a seriously big promise.
But improving google ranking for your local business is really ...

Monitor Your Website Performance to have Better ROI

It’s probably also one of the most expensive marketing assets you ever bought. And the bad news is ...

Importance and Process of Conversion Analysis

Conversion analysis is the process of monitoring how your audience and prospects become customers. It’s the analysis of ...

Complete SEO Service to Generate Qualified Leads

Full-Service SEO is a term not many people have heard so it is a little difficult to understand. ...

Strategic Business Goals of Local SEO

Local SEO is different from regular SEO for two main reasons. It works faster and it targets only ...

Find Right Keywords with PPC for SEO

We’ve all heard that keywords are important to create traffic for our website. But how do you know ...

Get More Website Traffic from Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is when a company purchases online adverts to advertise their business. These online adverts ...

Meet Sales Goals with SEO Strategy Consultation

One of the biggest SEO mistakes people make is thinking it’s one size fits all.

Improve Website's Organic Rank using SEO Competitor Analysis

Any business can benefit from keeping an eye out for the competition, however, it is even more important ...

Scale Your Business with Online Paid Ads

Make sure your website has everything it needs to convert your visitors
In order to turn visitors ...

Importance of Online Visibility Report

Keeping an online visibility report is extremely important for your business. If you don’t audit your visibility, you ...

Grow your Online Presence with SEO Consulting Services

You can have the most good looking website with 5-star photography and sexy fonts, but if your website ...

Evaluate the Progress of Online Marketing with Website Audit

Website audits were created to help you understand and evaluate the progress of your online marketing and also ...

Brand Promotion using Online Marketing

Online Marketing is a great tool to become better known. Your brand can get a lot of exposure ...

Social Media Trends to Grow Your Business

Social Media Trends are as changeable as the weather. However, if you want to position your brand and ...

Everything your website needs for lead generation

Every business’ marketing plan, in reality, aims to achieve one thing… leads. Marketing provides leads and the sales ...

Company processes ready for business growth

Are your business processes ready for growth? If you’re not sure how to answer this question, read on.

Effective Website Marketing Campaign

There is no silver bullet answer to this question but there are certainly some elements that will make ...

Reasons Why Your Digital Marketing Techniques are Not Working

It’s very common to come across business owners and sometimes even marketers that have lost confidence in their ...

Create Fast Growth for any Company with Local SEO Marketing

Sometimes no matter how professional your brand and company have become, it seems like you can't quite get ...

Online Marketing Trends to Scale Your Business Faster

We hear about a lot businesses using online marketing trends to make millions and scale their business fast, ...

Generate Business using Local SEO

Organic Search ranking can make the difference between a thriving small business and one that just scrapes along. ...

Tools for Local SEO

If you’re a business that sells to local people or businesses, appearing in local searches is going to ...

Importance of Local SEO for your Business Growth

According to Google’s Local Search Statistics 2019. 46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information. So ...

Guide to Setup Google My Business Page

Appearing on the first page of Google for your best keywords can work wonders for the number of ...

Checklist to Self-Evaluate Before Hiring the SEO-Agency

If you’re wondering how to hire the right expert for your complete SEO services, you’ve landed in the ...

SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

In this day and age, ignoring SEO as part of any business’ marketing efforts is a growth-critical mistake. ...

A Guide to Fundamentals of SEO

It’s a given, we all want to rank higher in Google because we know that’s the only way ...

SEO for Dummies - Book Review

SEO for Dummies is a great resource for business owners looking to improve their search engine visibility, to ...

Ultimate Guide to Hiring an SEO Expert

When thinking of hiring complete SEO Expert Services you need to do a little bit of groundwork to ...

SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Investing in a website, online shop or a blog is definitely a good move for any business. It ...

Get Your Website on the First Page of Google using SEO Techniques

Nowadays SEO is the most cost effective marketing tool you have at your disposal. It will cost a ...

What is SEO and How Does SEO Work?

You know that being listed in the first position in Google is important for our business, but do ...

GDPR Summary for Your Website’s Compliance

GDPR - The General Data Protection Regulation was published on 14 April 2016, and became an enforceable law ...

Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Website’s Traffic

Everyone wants more website traffic.
The good news is, you don’t need to spend thousands and employ a ...

Effective Social Media Platforms to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Statista, the popular statistics portal issued the results of a great piece of research done in 2018. It ...

Digital Strategy to Grow your Business Sales

This is one of the most commonly asked questions by business owners in our age. What is the ...

SEO Mistakes Even the Experts Make

The million dollar question everybody keeps asking Search Engine Consultants is “How do I get to the first ...

Drive More Traffic using SEO Content Strategy

SEO is an ever-changing discipline, where some fundamentals remain more or less the same. To achieve great results, ...

Image Optimization - Google Ranking Signal

SEO is a vast field that outstands the traditional methods like optimizing the content.

SEO Checklist for Site Migration

Wondering about the SEO implications of migration? It is a scary and tedious task with so much at ...

SEO Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

Keeping up with the latest SEO trends can take your website to the next level of digital recognition. ...

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