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If you’re wondering how to hire the right expert for your complete SEO services, you’ve landed in the right place. SEO work is carried out monthly over periods often spanning years, so making the right decision is important.
Here are some questions to ask yourself before speaking to SEO agencies.
1. What are my current lead-generation and marketing assets?
As soon as you speak with an SEO professional they will ask you about your current marketing assets and lead-generation tactics. So make sure you’re prepared with a list of sales efforts, website, content and other marketing materials you have produced recently and they are still in line with your current brand.
2. How much money can I allocate to my complete SEO this year?
You can come to this amount by breaking down the number or sales and leads and doing your calculations. You need to find your cost per lead to know how much you should be spending. Our free blueprint What you can do to make your website SEO-ready contains a detailed description of this process.
3. Am I in a position to take on more work?
This is important. Sometimes we meet clients that want to expand and scale their business using SEO, but they do not yet have the systems in place that allow them to service additional business. Make sure that you are in a position to benefit from additional leads and prospects before hiring an expert for your complete SEO.
4. Do I have a system to process leads?
Once you start working with a professional SEO expert company you will be see an increase in the number of leads and prospects contacting your business. They will come from many different channels: your website, your telephone, your email, even walk-in (if that’s the kind of business you are).
Make sure that you have a lead processing system for every channel in your business. If you don’t have this yet, FairTech might be a good choice for you because we also support our clients develop internal processing systems to make sure you’re following up your leads effectively.
Have you answered all the questions above? If your answer is yes, we want to talk to you. Book a free consultation to understand if we’re a good match.