There is no silver bullet answer to this question but there are certainly some elements that will make your website marketing effective. When putting together a launch plan or a long-term website marketing strategy you need to make sure you have the following in place:
1. Website Marketing Leaderboard
The first thing you need to get clear on is your goal. Choose the business goal for your website. Make it a numerical goal that relates to your revenue goals. For example 50 leads per week. Because you already know how many leads you close you will understand that this turns into, let’s say, 40 clients per month.
When setting your goals make sure you take your current situation and where you want to go into consideration. Identify the gap and create the strategy needed to fulfil it. For example, if you want to close 100 clients per month and you can manage this amount of new business and also know that you close 2 clients out of every 10 leads. Then your goal makes sense at 500 leads per month.
However, if you’re just setting up your website and never got a lead from it yet, you want to start progressively and start to collect data in order to find your price per lead as well as your conversion rate to client and get some help setting up your lead-generating funnels.
2. Know your costs for Digital Marketing
You cannot have a successful campaign unless you keep sight of your costs. The right metrics to keep track of are: The cost per lead and the client value per lead closed. In the beginning, this will tell you how much each new client is costing you and how much they are spending. The cost per lead is simply your spend across all touch-points divided by the number of leads.
Eventually you will want to refine this to cost-per-lead by source (whether the course is organic - from SEO or whether it is from paid traffic - mainly Pay-Per-Click adverts).
3. Test and measure.
Unless you test and measure you cannot know which strategy will work better for you.
When marketing your website you need to work on your SEO which will yield traffic and leads in the long term at a lower price, and also you need to invest in the short term by paying for ads on Facebook, Google, etc.
In the short term, you need to do both. Measure results and tweak accordingly. Over time you will know which types of ads keep your cost lower, and which keywords drive more revenue to your business from Google. What matters is that you experiment with the goal of finding out which ads and keywords work best for your business.
SEO has the advantage that the cost per lead gets lower every month, which is the opposite with paid advertising.
An effective website marketing campaign does not look the same for everyone. However, the process of getting to know which website marketing strategies are going to work for you is the same for every business. If you’d like some guidance on how to test so you can understand what will work for you, we can help you with a consultation.