No matter what kind of business you run, your email can become a core part of your marketing if it isn’t yet.
According to eMarketer email marketing provides an average Return on Investment of 122%.
If you haven’t built an email list yet, here are 3 steps to growing and monetising your email list:
1. Downloadable digital products
Probably the easiest way to grow your email list is to create a free downloadable product that is connected to your business. In order to get as many people as possible to download it you should create a landing page for it especially and also boost it with paid advertising.
Driving traffic to your free product is an important part of growing your email list. Using targeted organic methods and optimised paid traffic can help you make sure you get the right people on your list.
In fact this is key to your growth. Your list needs to grow, but it’s important that the people you attract to your list are the right kind of prospects for your business.
You can do this by making sure that your digital product, whether it’s a pdf guide or mini-course or a free trial of your product, addresses the same problem that your business resolves.
2. Paid Low ticket products
The next step is to create a low-ticket offer. Create a product that you can sell for $20 to $50. This product when promoted using paid online adverts will help you cover the costs of your paid ads and also add people to your list.
The people you add to your list with this system will have already purchased an item from you making it much more likely for them to buy a second product. This makes it easy to upsell to more expensive products or services.
It’s a great step towards monetising your list but is often not very profitable if profitable at all. The goal here is to grow your list with buyers at little expense.
3. Upselling
Once you can see a flow of clients from your low ticket offer, you can survey them and observe how they engage with the product they bought to understand what to upsell them to next.
You can also reach out to them and interview them directly to really get under their skin and understand what they need next after the low ticket offer they bought.
This will help you create an upsell offer that sells. Make sure that the next step up the product ladder of your business is highly profitable. This is where you will make most of your money.
Once you have this system up and running you want to align email marketing with similar efforts that amplify your results.
At FairTech we have created a blueprint that helps you identify the next aligned strategy to help you amplify your marketing results.
If you are doing your digital marketing yourself, I recommend that you use the PermaCustomer Formula, FairTech’s 12 pillar Customer Acquisition Process that makes your ideal clients chase you! Want to know more?
To see a video presentation of the PermaCustomer formula. Click the "Get more customers online now!" button below: