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Walk-in traffic is the holy grail for many businesses.
Many think it’s free and happens by coincidence
But a quick look at high street brands that have great walk-in traffic reveals that the following marketing tactics create walk-in traffic:
Online Presence
In spite of the fact that walk-in traffic, by assumption, is physical your online presence matters more than ever. Everyone, including your 80-year old gran looks for products or services online before turning up at the shop.
Your website, and how easily it is found for your best keywords and product searches is key.
Click and Collect
A click and collect service is also a great way of getting people to turn up at your shop. This is a convenient service which can be offered through your website and social media. It provides a great way for clients to meet you and experience your service.
Getting them to pick-up from your showroom or retail outlet will make sure they take a look around and better understand the full range of services/products you offer.
What's more a client that has already purchased from you is 70% more likely to buy than a stranger, so it’s a great way to make sure that those that buy also make that trip to your shop which you turn into an opportunity to know you better.
Walk-in Traffic with Related Classes
Whether you sell make-up, beauty products or spa services there are classes out there your audience wants. By organising training that your audience is interested in and connected to what you sell, you will get free walk-in traffic and also make some sales.
For example if you’re a make-up artist that also sells make-up you can organise make-up courses. This will provide you with a walk-in audience of people who like make-up. Now that you're teaching them more skills, they're gonna need to buy more make-up colours and tools.
You also make a tidy income from giving the classes yourself, or renting your premises for others to give classes.
Drive Traffic with Local SEO
Local SEO is probably the top driver of walk-in traffic. Getting found in Google for local searches brings people to your shop within hours or days. A lot of customers will today find you on mobile search, while they’re out. If you’re well optimised to appear as a top result in local search, for your products or services, it becomes a no-brainer for the buyer. They’re going to pop-in or call you and pick up the item they were looking for.
Would you like to optimise your online presence for local SEO?
Watch our Free Google My Business Video Mini-Course to find out what you can easily do yourself to improve your local SEO in just a few moves.
In this course you will also get access to a huge discount on our Full Local SEO Course.