With traditional marketing, nothing comes free. You have to pay for every advertisement and often it’s pretty pricey. When advertising your website with traditional marketing techniques it can cost you a lot. Placing an advert in a magazine to promote your new website or paying for PR and some banner space on the local news site, will cost you a pretty penny.
But we also know that nobody is likely to know your site is there unless you advertise it. Nobody will come if you don’t do something to spread the word.
Here are 3 strategies to spread your website with free word of mouth techniques:
Become an expert guest
Get other websites to speak about your services or products. Find companies who already sell a non-competitive product or service to your same audience and write blog posts or articles to publish on their sites. Partner or exchange content with these businesses especially those that have a good social media following.
Get invited on other people’s sites for interviews and podcasts. You can reach a much larger audience by tapping into other company’s regular listeners. Identify places that would benefit you to be present on and create a plan to get on those shows.
Social Media Marketing
You can become well known by having a strong social media presence without spending any money or very little of it. Create a social media plan that keeps you regular. Show up on those platforms where you see your ideal prospects engage. You don’t have to be everywhere, just on the ones that matter.
Posting images and long form status text helps visibility. But probably the best tactic is to use Live videos. No matter on which platform. Video will get you more visibility than any other format.
Do not forget however that the goal is to give your website more visibility, so share your blog posts, articles and videos from your website.
Reaching good online visibility on social media is going to be very important. It will help you become known as an expert. Once you’re known for what you do, selling becomes much easier. People will come to you because you’ve activated online word-of-mouth. Social media tools make spreading the word really easy, so if you tap into the right audience, it can grow pretty quickly.
FairTech’s Online Marketing Mastery Formula is used to provide consistent cash-flow growth for businesses. It’s based on the 12 essential online marketing pillars that make the perfect combination of actions that will multiply your revenue.
By understanding where you are in this pillar roadmap, and planning the next cash-focused step, you can kick start lead generation and the growth of your company really quickly.
Our blueprint is simple to understand yet comprehensively covers every single aspect you need to be thinking about in your online marketing. Would you like a peek?