Websites, online brochures or idle catalogues are not enough to generate business. If your website does not get enough enquiries to generate a strong return on your investment, then it's not doing its job. Your website needs to be transformed from a homepage into a marketing tool.
Different people think of different sites when you mention a website. Some think of an ecommerce site that sells products like Amazon, others think of a website that has descriptive pages and images about your company, others still think of their local news site like Techcunch or the Times.
Today a website should be more than a place where your clients go to see what you’re about. Websites need to act like a marketing tool that is at the heart of your online marketing. Your website can be your strongest marketing tool.
In order to create a consistent cash-flow online you need to replace it with a 24/7 sales rep that brings you daily new business. You need to make changes that help transform your website into a client magnet. It's not as simple as putting static pages on your site, but you don’t need to redesign it all either.
You need to stop flogging a dead horse. It’s not your fault, this is the way things were done in the past . But 2 decades are very long in marketing years and what was working until a few years ago, doesn’t work at all these days. Times have changed hence you need to adapt to the new needs of your consumers.
The good news is you can use an existing website as a skeleton to build the new elements that will make it a different tool so you can still amortize your previous investment.
When you follow the Online Marketing Mastery Formula you start to progressively work on the various areas until you end up with completely new tools that are equipped to drive more revenues for your business.
Following the OMMF, you will work area per area progressively so your additional income can finance the new investment till you have a 100% new tool instead of having just a website.
No matter what technology it is built on, you can add tools to your website to make it easier for you to harvest leads, receive enquiries and get calls booked. Your website will not bring business unless it is transformed into a marketing tool.
Here are the main areas you need to create or replace in order to transform it into a marketing tool.
Sales Automation
In order to automate your sales you need to automate your lead harvesting. You can use third party tools that catch visitor’s emails in exchange for a download. Then automate your responses by email to get them to go to the next step and book a sales call with you.
Content optimisation
The second point is content optimization. If you have pages with very little content and not organised logically on your site, you could be missing out on a lot of Google traffic. You need Google traffic to bring new people into your marketing orbit.
Conversion Optimisation
In order to get people to take action on your site, you need to have calls to action placed on your pages and blog posts. Simply telling people what you want them to do will make a big difference to how many get in touch.
You can make subtle changes that make all the difference. The tools we usually add first to any site are those that will help our customers create a clear plan based on our Online Marketing Mastery Formula. Because this makes it very easy to map the next step and the actions to add to your short term marketing plan. As soon as you make these changes you’ll start seeing more enquiries right away.