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The million dollar question everybody keeps asking Search Engine Consultants is “How do I get to the first page of Google?”.
Many marketers don’t specialise in Search Engine optimisation and are expected to create results in terms of website traffic. There are some common mistakes marketers as well as small business owners are making online in the attempt to get listed on the first page of search engines.
The most common SEO Mistake: targeting the wrong audience.
A lot of marketers forget to work on the foundations of what makes their efforts successful and that is researching their target audience to understand what kind of content they are seeking and engaging with online. If you are working on your marketing, your customer research should come right after your budgets have been presented. It is the first step of implementing any marketing campaign.
Not investing in professional SEO keyword research
In Real Estate we say location is everything. SEO is not very different, you can waste a lot of time and money optimising for a keyword and ranking for it but then nobody is searching for that keyword so it doesn’t turn into new business. This is why you need to work with a professional SEO consultant. Once the customer research has been done, use that information to provide your seo professional with the first keywords. A professional seo company will then give you a long list of related keywords to work with. Make sure that you have a close look at intent. The reason why people are typing that into Google. You want that reason to be one that makes them want your service or product.
Focusing on their social media audiences instead of their website SEO traffic
Although is seems counter intuitive, strangely enough this is a common misconception around marketers. The number of social media likes and engagement on facebook do not really affect your sales. It might do if you are Coca-Cola and you have really high levels of Brand engagement on all the platforms, but unless you have very high international visibility and are killing it on social media, this metric should not appear in your sales conversions performance metrics.
So if you want your website search engine optimisation to work:
- Make sure that you know your audience well
- Get a pro to do your keyword research for you. Creating online content is very time consuming, do not take a gamble with amateur keyword research. The keyword research will be used for your post titles.
- Use your website traffic as a metric for success. Observe which pages are getting more attention and follow the keywords that are giving you success. Do share your website pages and blog content on social media. But do not forget that you do not own social media platforms and they can disappear overnight, make sure your traffic and business do not depend on it too much. Use social media to direct your audience (traffic) towards your website not the other way round.
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