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Keeping an online visibility report is extremely important for your business. If you don’t audit your visibility, you could soon run out of leads and your business might stall.
Similarly, if you feel your business is not getting enough leads do a website audit, building the right visibility report could help you take your business to the next level.
What goes in a visibility report?
1. Visibility report assets
Start with your assets. These will become your report categories. For example, if your company gains visibility through networking, conference stands, magazine adverts, social media advertising and website, make sure that each of these has a section in your report.
2. Analysis-tools for each visibility asset
Each asset listed above will have a list of tools that you already avail yourself of.
For example:
Example 1. (Offline) Under Networking you may have - attending 3 industry business events per year. - attending BNI groups weekly - taking clients for lunch
Example 2. (Online) Under Website you may have - Search Engine Optimisation - Social Media Sharing - radio Ads promoting the website - email footers of all employees - Online Paid ads
3. Create a scoreboard for each report asset
Each asset in your report needs to have its own measurement criteria pertaining to visibility.
For example:
Example 1. (Offline) Networking → attending 3 industry business events per year → SiGMA
Number of employees sent to the event
Number of delegates attending the event
Number of delegates that benefitted from our stand freebie (therefore are now leads in CRM)
Number of hot leads collected
Number of cold leads collected
Number of sales closed 4 months after the event (this one depends on how long your sales closing process is)
Example 2. (Online) Under Website → Search Engine Optimisation
Number of unique visitors per month
Number of leads collected from the website (Free Download Page)
Number of people who requested an appointment through the website directly (Contact Us Page)
Number of sales closed every quarter from website leads
Action the data
By keeping the above statistics in hand you can easily see which asset is creating more revenue in your business. This will allow you to come to the most important question in your business...
Which visibility asset is generating more profit?
Answer this question with a clear metric and you can scale as fast as you want.
Need help getting your online visibility to work harder for your business?
Let’s talk.