Business-as-usual is a thing of the past.
We’re in full Covid19 crisis and many businesses are scrambling to take their operations online. Some are predicting total doom for all small and medium businesses and switching off their SEM and SEO campaigns.
SEO Campaign Strategy: Should it stay or should it go?
But as Warren Buffet says “be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful." When others are fearful to spend on marketing, is the best time to be marketing. A small budget will get you further and give you more visibility than in a regular marketing environment.
It’s even more so with SEO. Google does not care about downturns.
Your SEO needs to stay consistent or your competitors will take your spot in search engine results and it could be really hard for you to get it back.
On the other hand.
The shoe could very well be on the other foot.
Have a strategy ready to Overtake the competition when they stop their SEO Campaign
If you don’t stop your SEO efforts but your competition does, you will be laughing in a few months. If there’s a competitor that has been hard to beat at the search engine game, now is the time. When the crisis has passed, you will be in a stronger position and your competitors may never catch up.
If you have been running SEO or SEM campaigns. Don’t stop. Doing so will give your competitors a chance to overtake you. People are at home surfing the web, making plans for what to buy and where to go when restrictions are lifted. If you stop your SEO now, you will be rolling out the red carpet for your clients to go straight to your competitors. So don’t stop. Stay visible, stay active, keep building relationships. It will all pay off soon. In the meantime, you don’t want to be the one to be overtaken by competitors so stay active.
If you haven’t started running SEO campaigns yet. There is currently a great opportunity in local SEO. If you can optimise for local search you can boost your visibility really quick and by offering the right product or service that people need locally right now, you could be harvesting opportunities that were not there a week ago.
If you have the time to invest in learning local SEO right now, we have a special offer on our local SEO course. Designed to get business owners on track with local SEO Strategy in just a few days. Check it out here…